2016 Harria gorde
Harria Gorde 2016
The installation “Harria Gorde” [Basque: Keep your stone] draws attention to the imbalance of the world we live in. Topics like homophobia, fundamentalism, sexual abuse, pernicious drug abuse, censorship instead of freedom of speech, capitalistic greed
and the unquestioned willingness to eat rubbish – all issues that cry out for social attention and action, but are rendered tabooed in our society and finally remain ignored.
These alarming aspects of imbalance, cruelty and disrespect have moved the artist Jose Pablo Arriaga to create a collection that does not silence but spotlights and reveals the tensions that need to be faced in today’s world. The artist even formulates a clear demand with his collection: „Harria Gorde! – Keep your stone!“ Laying the stone, here a symbol of destructive and aggressive energy, in our hands, the artist asks us to become aware of our responsibility. He unambiguously calls to open our eyes to the tense reality of the world, to assume our responsibility and to take control over our acts.
Yet, as in any of the artist’s works, facing reality does not mean to fall into desperation. On the contrary, he declares the revelation of reality as a first and necessary step for transformation. Harria Gorde, the kept stone, is therefore a symbol of hope, a starting point for a more human, dignified and harmonious future. Every single art piece of his collection entails this deep, honest and hope-giving message.